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Tweet Buster: Maheshwari, Samir Arora on Covid-19 & more

NEW DELHI: In nearly four months, the world has come to revolve around Covid-19. The novel coronavirus has brought the strongest economies to their knees. There has been a massive loss of life and destruction in asset value, with humankind being nowhere near to finding a cure. Amid all the havoc being wrecked, the call for stronger economic measures back home has only grown louder. With markets under pressure and no end in sight, the only saving grace could be a big bang economic stimulus but the delay is making investors wary. A lot of Dalal Street experts have taken o Twitter to express their concerns on the same.Independent market expert Sandeep Sabharwal said all the soundbites indicate that the economic package will be too little and too late. Surely, this is unlikely to enthuse the markets that have been rising lately on hopes of such a package.Almost everyday the #Media reports developments on #economicpackage Latest one being meeting of FM & PM tomorrow…— sandip sabharwal (@sandipsabharwal) 1587630808000Sabharwal added that the more the government dithers on such a package, the more it will impact rupee and undo the steps taken by RBI so far.Offshore Rupee moves to a new low. Hovering near 77 to the USD.The more the Government dithers on a revival packag…— sandip sabharwal (@sandipsabharwal) 1587473275000Basant Maheshwari emphasised the need for such a stimulus package. He said announcing such a package in a staggered and a phased manner looks totally devoid of urgency. He equated India’s economic distress to multi-organ failure, saying doctors cannot afford to deal with it one by one.Announcing the economic stimulus in a staggered manner looks totally devoid of urgency. Doctors don’t deal with mul…— Basant Maheshwari (@BMTheEquityDesk) 1587783048000Helios Capital founder Samir Arora offered an alternative solution. Arora said if the government cannot figure out who to give a bailout package to, what they can do is pay off the dues it owes to businesses and individuals in the form of income tax and GST refunds without even impacting the fiscal deficit.If GOI does'nt know how to figure out who should get subsidy/bailout start with paying out -at least 80%- of whatev…— Samir Arora (@Iamsamirarora) 1587706372000 A major development of the week was the Franklin Templeton fiasco. The mutual fund decided to shut six of its debt fund schemes, citing lack of liquidity. A lot of investors are panicking that this contagion could spread to other debt funds as well. iThought co-founder Shyam Sekhar advised investors to do the groundwork and risk evaluation before picking debt schemes.When you board a bus, you check how long it takes to a destination, measure the driving speed, the driving style a…— Shyam Sekhar (@shyamsek) 1587805889000The Franklin issue has added to the market woes which is already undergoing one of the worst bear market phases. A young Kolkata-based investor took to Twitter to ask investors to reflect on the mistakes made during this period in order that they avoid it in the next cycle.Note the mistakes and lessons that you did in this cycle. Once market rebounds most of us will forget the lessons a…— Soumya Malani (@insharebazaar) 1587647038000Value investor Abhishek Basumallick finds a silver lining in management’s withdrawal of quarterly guidance and hopes this trend continues. Here’s why.Companies are withdrawing their quarterly guidance. I hope this trend continues and managements focus on building…— Abhishek Basumallick (@a_basumallick) 1587714486000

from Economic Times

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