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ET Edit: Pay for content, Google & Facebook

We welcome the decision by the Australian government requiring technology giants Google and Facebook to pay local media groups for featuring their content. It is the right resolution to the years-long tussle between digital platform and content creators. Australia is the first country that will enact a law to this end, although the European Union directive on copyright precedes it, giving publishers the right to seek payment from digital platforms that display their content. The Australian competition regulator is expected to finalise a code by July.The Australian decision comes close on the heels of the order by the French competition regulator requiring digital platforms to pay media organisations. Australia has asked the country’s competition regulator, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), to frame a mandatory code of conduct between media outlets and digital platforms. While media organisations invest money, time and effort to create content, the digital platforms have consistently displayed the content without paying for it. Digital companies and their advocates argue that the inclusion of the content on their site or engine has directed traffic to news organisations. But this traffic comes stripped of revenue, which is collected by Google and Facebook. Further, these intermediaries gain reputation on the strength of the content created by credible media organisations, leading to advertising revenue. It is only fair that the content creators get the primary share of revenue generated by audience preference for that content.The practices by the digital intermediaries have harmed the media sector and undermined the economic and financial health of publishers, contributing to the rise of ‘media’ outlets of low credibility.

from Economic Times

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